Real Ale

Real Ale

Bamber Bridge - Ye Olde Hob Inn

Name: Ye Olde Hob Inn

Address: 9, Church Road, Bamber Bridge

Ye Olde Hob Inn on Church Road is a 17th century coaching house built c.1616 and was originally smaller than its present dimensions. Before it was known as the Hob, it was called the Black Horse as recorded on the 1845 map below. The first census record in 1841 below records it as "Black Horse or Hob" so the name was already changing by the 1840s.

Records confirm that Bamber Bridge was part of the Blackburn Parish in the early part of the 1800's. The Black Horse and Black Bull appear to have been only public houses operating in 1824 (see below).

1824 Baines Directory - James Paul "Black Horse"

The Preston Chronicle - 3rd September 1836 - ROBBERY

On Wednesday last, the house of Mr William Barnes, innkeeper, Bamber Bridge, near this town, was robbed of twenty-five pounds, all in silver, and forty five shilling papers of copper.  The robbery is supposed to have been committed by two men, who called at the house in the forenoon of the same day and remained about two hours.  They appeared to be about twenty-five years of age, were shabbily dressed in dark clothes, of rather slender make, and about five feet four or five inches in height, one of them had a green or blue bag containing cotton balls and other smallwares.  The other had a broad ribbon tied round his hat, with the ends hanging down, and had on a blue neck-kerchief. A reward has been offered for the apprehension of the depredators.      

1834 Pigot's Directory (Preston) - William Barnes

Listed landlords at the Hob Inn were James Paul (1824), William Barnes (1834-), Ann Barnes (1841), William Lucan (1846), John Forshaw (1846-), William Walmsley (1851-54), John Goodacre (1855-60), Ann Goodacre (1861), James Worden (1865), James Wilcock (1869-76), Henry Swift (1881), Thomas Henry Fisher (1888-93), Thomas Smith (1901) and John Smith (1911-17).

 The Preston Chronicle - 1st October 1836 
TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr A Parker, at the Hob Public House in Bamber Bridge, on Monday the 18th day of October next, the sale to commence punctually at ten o'clock in the forenoon.  TWELVE HORSES of various descriptions, including one capital Hackney Bay Mare, with Saddle and Bridle, and one Mare covered by Sir Peter Lely; FIFTEEN CARTS of different sorts, some with broad and others with narrow wheels, suitable for Bleachers, Farmers and for general purposes, comprising one Spring cart, nearly new, and one Stone Waggon or Lorry; also CART GEARING for twenty horses; Seven Cart Covers of various sizes; and Six Stacks of Excellent HAY, both old and new, containing upwards of 600 yards; the whole being the property of Mr Ralph Clayton, Bleacher.  Terms: the whole, except the Hay, to be sold for ready money, and for the Hay, a deposit of ten per cent, to be made at the time of the Sale, and the remainder to paid on or before Feb 2nd, 1837, when the Hay is to be removed.

1841 Census

Preston Chronicle 1st August 1846 - To be Let by Ticket 
On Monday, August 10th, 1846, at Six o'clock in the evening, on the premises, the well-accustomed Public-House called the Hob or Black Horse at Bamber Bridge, now in the occupation of Mr William Lucan; together with the Brewhouse, Stable, Shippon, Shade, and other conveniences, and an extensive Garden. The in-coming tenant must take the stock at valuation. 
For particulars apply to Thomas Bowling, 24 Avenham-road, Preston, on the premises.

1845 Map

Inquest - Man Drowned Preston Chronicle 13 April 1850
On Wednesday last, an inquest was held before Mr Walker, deputy coroner on view of the body of a man, named John Procter, who met with his death, on the Wednesday night previous. It appeared, from the depositions, that deceased left the Hob Inn, Bamber Bridge, at about half past ten o'clock on the night in question, partially intoxicated and he was not heard of till Thursday last, when he was dragged out of a pit, close to the edge of Brownedge Road. His cap being taken out of the water, caused the search to made. The pit is close to the road side, and one of the witnesses stated that the fence had been partly removed; thus a person even if sober might, on a dark night, fall into it, and it was not long ago that a person did fall into it during the night. 
Verdict – ‘Found drowned,’ no evidence appearing how the deceased got into the pit. The jury, through their foreman, expressed their opinion that it was requisite that the place in question should be presented at the next Manorial Court, as being dangerous; and that the party, liable, should be called upon to fence it off securely.

1851 Census

Baptism: 7 Dec 1851 St Saviour, Bamber Bridge, Lancashire, England
Charles Walmsley - Child of William Walmsley & Ann
    Born: 16 Nov 1851 Abode: B. Bridge
    Occupation: Inn Keeper
    Baptised by: Wm. Wignall
    Register: Baptisms 1837 - 1880, Page 105, Entry 835
    Source: LDS Film 1471151

1854 Mannex Directory - William Walmsley

1855 Directory - John Goodacre

Baptism: 15 May 1853 St Saviour, Bamber Bridge, Lancashire, England
Thomas Goodacre - Child of John Goodacre & Ann
    Abode: B. Bridge Occupation: Inn Keeper
    Baptised by: Wm. Wignall
    Register: Baptisms 1837 - 1880, Page 115, Entry 917
    Source: LDS Film 1471151

I suspect John and Ann Goodacre ran another pub in Bamber Bridge before moving to the Hob Inn. The 1853 Baptismal record above confirms John's occupation as an Inn Keeper at a time when William Walmsley was the landlord here. Where they lived at that time is not known to me at present.

Baptism: 23 Oct 1859 St Saviour, Bamber Bridge, Lancashire, England
William Henry Goodacre - son of John Goodacre & Anne
    Abode: B. Bridge Occupation: Inn Keeper
    Baptised by: Wm. Bridges Off. Minr.
    Register: Baptisms 1837 - 1880, Page 152, Entry 1214
    Source: LDS Film 1471151

Ye Olde Hob Inn courtesy of Gordon Small

A shocking accident has happened to the daughter of Mr John Goodacre, of the Hob Inn, Bamber Bridge. The little girl, ten years of age, was showing some of her playmates the back premises of her father’s house when she
 fell into the boiler at the Hob Inn, Bamber-bridge, and was dreadfully scalded. She died the same evening.  
02 August 1860 - Brighton Gazette & 04 August 1860 - Kentish Chronicle

1861 Census

1871 Census

Baptism: 14 Mar 1875 St Saviour, Bamber Bridge, Lancashire, England
Agnes Anna Willcock - Child of James Willcock & Mary Ann
    Born: 13 Feb 1875
    Abode: Bamber Bridge Occupation: Inn Keeper
    Baptised by: Jas. Taylor Vicar
    Register: Baptisms 1837 - 1880, Page 246, Entry 1968
    Source: LDS Film 1471151

1881 Census

Baptism: 15 May 1888 St Saviour, Bamber Bridge, Lancashire, England
Mary Fisher - Child of Thomas Henry Fisher & Mary Ann
    Born: 6 Feb 1872
    Abode: Bamber Bridge Occupation: Inn Keeper
    Baptised by: James Taylor Vicar
    Register: Baptisms 1880 - 1893, Page 68, Entry 2787
    Source: LDS Film 1471151

1891 Census

16 December 1893 - Preston Chronicle - Preston, Lancashire, England
A male was charged with stealing a bottle of brandy, value 4s 6d, the property of Thomas Henry Fisher, the landlord of the Hob Inn, Bamber Bridge. 

1901 Census

1909 Map

21 October 1910 - Lancashire Evening Post - In Memoriam
In loving memory of Mrs Sarah Smith, the beloved wife Thomas Smith, Hob Inn, Bamber Bridge, passed away October 21st 1909. 

1911 Census

1917 Barratt's Directory of Preston - John Smith

1938 Map

Fire at Ye Olde Hob Inn  
Lancashire Evening Post Published Wednesday 26 September 2018 

The 400-year-old Ye Olde Hob Inn pub in Bamber Bridge caught ablaze today. Local resident Dave Bennion was on hand to take shots as brave crews from Lancashire Fire and Rescue tried to put the fire out in the thatched roof. Fire crews tackle the blaze. Eye witness Dave, who lives just a few doors away in St Saviour's Close, praised the swift action of fire crews saying: "If they hadn't got there so quickly and worked as hard as they did, the whole pub could have gone up." Dave, a keen amateur photographer, grabbed his camera and took some of the shots here. "When I got there all I could see was smoke belching out of the roof at the back," he said. "It wasn't so much flames as smoke. "Fire engines were arriving one after the other and the firefighters got to work very quickly. They were obviously getting a bit worried because it was a thatched roof and they were cutting into it to get to the fire. "They seemed to get it under control after about two hours. I don't know how much damage it's done, but it clearly won't be open for a bit after this. "I go in there now and again and hopefully it won't be shut for long. "I think the fire brigade did a brilliant job to keep it confined to just one area of the roof and prevent it spreading. Well done to them."

Read more at:


  1. Hello does anybody know the name of the ten year old girl who died 10th August 1846, daughter of John and Ann goodacre?

  2. Hello in just wondering if anyone knows of the little girl that died in the olde hob Inn on 10th August 1846 daughter of John and Ann goodacre?

    1. John Goodacre and Ann nee Whalley married in 1849 at St James', Brindle and were at the pub from the mid-1850s to early 1860s so could the death have been later than that? The one who died in 1860 was their daughter Elizabeth 10 years.

  3. I'm currently producing an oral history of The Hob Inn and would like to use extracts from this blog post if possible. Could I have permission to adapt extracts froim this and credit you?

    1. Please feel free to do so. Apologies for the delayed response, for some reason my notifications had been turned off.

  4. Hi thank you I've really enjoyed reading this. Have you any information on the Old Original Withy Tree's my Grandparents were landlords there in the 60's. I would love to know a bit more of its history. Ann Edwards.

    1. It should be visible on the right page list Ann, or go direct on

  5. Hi, we're making a documentary which has a history story about Bamber Bridge in it and we're interested in this old photos of the pub - are you able to tell me where you found them to see if we could use them?

  6. The top image is from Lancashire Red Rose Collection

  7. I am the great, great granddaughter of Thomas Smith and great granddaughter of John Smith.Both publicans. My grandmother Elizabeth Alice Smith grew up there. I am very much interested in the history of this pub. There was once a picture displayed in the pub of one of them, I think it was John. I wonder what happened to it.
