Real Ale

Real Ale

Ship Inn

Name: Ship Inn

Address: Market Street, Chorley

The Ship Inn was a going concern in the early 1800s and was located at the top end of Market Street opposite the entrance to Fazakerley Street, near, or next to the Anchor. As the directory below attests, it was originally at 53 Market Street, but this was prior to the numbering system changing in the 1860s.

1824 Baine's Directory - Ellen Anderton

From the early 1800s until around 1828 it was run by an Ellen Anderton. 

1828 Pigot's Directory - Ellen Anderton

The Ship Inn does not appear in any later trade directories and by 1834 Ellen Anderton was running the Black Horse on Chorley Moor (now Pall Mall) so we can safely assume by this time, it had closed its doors to the public.

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